All traveling cost reimbursement must be submitted in the business end of60 days. 所有报销必须在出差结束60天之内提交。
Those firms registered the competition but not be qualified will not obtain any design cost reimbursement. 凡经竞赛评委会审查确定为无效方案的将不支付设计费用。
Heron will provide in country support and assistance with approvals on a cost reimbursement basis. 苍鹭将提供支持和援助国与批准的费用偿还的基础。
On the Present Situation of the Cost, Fee and Reimbursement in Community Health Service 社区卫生服务成本、收费与补偿现况分析
In this paper, the quality of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the use of primary health care sector, circulation disorder, high cost, procurement, distribution, sales, reimbursement and improper storage management to analyze and propose solutions to address these issues. 本文通过对中药饮片在基层医疗机构使用过程中存在的质量、流通秩序混乱、价格高昂、采购、配送、销售、报销及储存管理不当等问题进行分析,并针对这些问题提出相应的解决方法。
It concluded that only if government limits its own action of adjusting compensation policy and makes its promise credible can it make sure that defense procurement R& D cost reimbursement has dynamic consistency. 所得结论表明:政府只有对自己调整补偿政策的行为进行限制,使自己的承诺变得可信,才能确保国防采购R&D成本补偿政策具有动态一致性。